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State Privacy Notice for California Residents

Last updated September 1, 2024


We provide this Privacy Notice for California Residents (this “California Notice”) to supplement the information and disclosures contained in our General Privacy Notice. This California Notice applies to all customers, website visitors, and others who reside in the State of California. We adopt this California Notice to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”). Any terms defined in the CCPA have the same meaning when used in this California Notice.

California residents have the right to request that a business disclose what personal information it collects, uses, discloses, and sells, as well as other rights described below. The CCPA allows California residents to request that a business that collects consumers’ personal information disclose to consumers the categories of personal information that the business collects from consumers, the business or commercial purposes for collecting the information, and the categories of third parties with which the information is shared. California residents also have the right to submit a “Consumer Request” to a business to request access in a portable and readily usable form (if technologically feasible) to the specific pieces and categories of personal information that the business has collected about the consumer, the business purpose for collecting, sharing or selling their personal information, the categories of third parties to whom the business discloses personal information, to request the deletion or correction of information under certain circumstances, among other rights described below. Also, consumers have the right not to receive discriminatory treatment by a business for the exercise of the privacy rights conferred by the CCPA.

I. Notice at Collection

At or before the time of collection, you have a right to receive notice of our practices, including the categories of personal information and sensitive personal information to be collected and the purposes for which such information is collected or used, whether such information is sold or shared (see directly below), and how long such information is retained. You can find those details in this statement by clicking on the provided links or scrolling below.

II. Sale or Sharing of Personal Information

Note that the CCPA defines “sell,” “share,” and “personal information” very broadly, and some of our data sharing described in our Privacy Notice and this State Privacy Notice may be considered a “sale” or “sharing” under those definitions. As described further below, we let advertising and analytics providers collect identifiers (such as IP addresses, cookie IDs, and mobile IDs), activity data (such as browsing, clicks, app usage), device data, and geolocation data through our website and Services , but do not “sell” or “share” any other types of personal information. If you do not wish for us or our partners to “sell” or “share” personal information relating to your visits to our sites for advertising purposes, you can make your request by using our privacy rights form below, using a Global Privacy Control (GPC), or using other controls described in the Your Choices section of our Privacy Notice. If you opt-out using these choices, we will not share or make available such personal information in ways that are considered a “sale” or “sharing” under the CCPA. However, we will continue to make available to our partners (acting as our service providers) some personal information to help us perform advertising-related functions. Further, using these choices will not opt you out of the use of previously “sold” or “shared” personal information or stop all interest-based advertising.

III. Collection of Personal Information

We collect personal information about consumers and in some cases allow third parties to collect personal information on our behalf, such as IP address. In the last twelve months, We have collected the following categories of personal information both online and offline for the business purpose(s) identified below (some categories may overlap):

Category of Information Collected? Sources Business Purpose(s) for Use
Identifiers, such as a real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, internet protocol address, email address, account name, social security number, driver’s license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers. YES
  • Directly from you (online or offline)
  • Website cookies
  • Website analytics providers
  • Advertising providers
  • Legal proceedings
  • Public sources
  • Government agencies
  • Third party service providers
  • Affiliate partners
  • Our affiliated companies
  • Demographic data providers
  • To comply with legal obligations
  • To maintain an ongoing business relationship with you
  • To verify your identity
  • To provide goods and services to you
  • To market our goods and services to you
  • To improve our internal processes and the services We offer
Any categories of personal information described in subdivision (e) of Section 1798.80 (the California Customer Records statute). YES
  • Directly from you (online or offline)
  • Legal proceedings
  • Public sources
  • Government agencies
  • Third party service providers
  • Affiliate partners
  • Our affiliated companies
  • Demographic data providers
  • To comply with legal obligations
  • To maintain an ongoing business relationship with you
  • To verify your identity
  • To provide goods and services to you
  • To market our goods and services to you
  • To improve our internal processes and the services We offer
Characteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law. YES
  • Directly from you (online or offline)
  • Legal proceedings
  • Public sources
  • Government agencies
  • Third parties who obtain the information from public sources or government agencies
  • Affiliate partners
  • Our affiliated companies
  • Demographic data providers
  • To comply with legal obligations
  • To maintain an ongoing business relationship with you
  • To verify your identity
  • To provide goods and services to you
  • To market our goods and services to you
  • To improve our internal processes and the services We offer
Commercial information, including records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies. YES
  • Directly from you (online or offline)
  • Website
  • Advertising providers
  • Affiliate partners
  • Our affiliated companies
  • To provide goods and services to you
  • To market our goods and services to you
  • To improve our internal processes and the services we offer
Biometric information. NO None
  • We do not collect this information. This type of information may be received incidental to other information you provide to us for business purposes, such as if you provide a copy of a driver's license. However, We do not use this information.
Internet or other electronic network activity information, including, but not limited to, browsing history, search history, and information regarding a consumer’s interaction with an internet website, application, or advertisement. YES
  • From your interactions with our websites or mobile apps
  • Website cookies
  • Website analytics providers
  • Advertising providers
  • To provide goods and services to you
  • To market our goods and services or business opportunities to you
  • To improve our internal processes and the services We offer
Geolocation data. YES
  • As a result of your use of our products with location capability
  • To comply with legal requirements
  • To provide goods and services to you
Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information. YES
  • Telephone calls
  • As a result of your use of the products or services
Our products may record this type of information. We also record sales and customer service calls. This information may be collected and used for the following business reasons:
  • To comply with legal obligations
  • To maintain an ongoing business relationship with you
  • To provide goods and services to you
  • To improve our internal processes and the services We offer
Professional or employment-related information. YES
  • Directly from you (online or offline)
  • Third party service providers
  • Demographic data providers
  • To comply with legal obligations
  • To maintain an ongoing business relationship with you
  • To verify your identity
  • To provide goods and services to you
  • To improve our internal processes and services
Education information, defined as information that is not publicly available personally identifiable information as defined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. section 1232g, 34 C.F.R. Part 99). YES
  • Directly from you (online or offline)
  • To comply with legal obligations
  • To maintain an ongoing business relationship with you
  • To verify your identity
  • To provide goods and services to you
  • To improve our internal processes and the services We offer
Inferences drawn from any of the information identified in this subdivision to create a profile about a consumer reflecting the consumer’s preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes. YES
  • Directly from you (online or offline)
  • Website cookies
  • Website analytics providers
  • Advertising providers
  • Demographic data providers
  • To provide goods and services to you
  • To market our goods and services to you
  • To improve our internal processes and the services We offer
Sensitive personal information. YES
  • Directly from you (offline)
  • Legal proceedings
  • To the extent legally required to provide the goods and services you have requested

IV. Disclosure of Personal Information

In the last twelve months, We have disclosed the following categories of personal information with the following categories of third parties (some categories may overlap):

Category of Information Disclosed? Categories of Third Parties
Identifiers such as a real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, social security number, driver’s license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers. YES
  • Service Centers
  • Probation Officers
  • Monitoring Authorities
  • The State of California
  • Courts
  • Parties that you authorize
  • Our affiliate companies
  • Payment processors
  • Law firms and attorneys
  • Criminal background/history providers
  • Debt collectors
  • Other service providers to assist us with our business operations, including shipping companies, auditors, and marketing and communications service providers
  • Advertising and analytics providers
  • Business partners
  • As part of a legal process
Any categories of personal information described in subdivision (e) of Section 1798.80 (the California Customer Records statute). YES
  • Service Centers
  • Probation Officers
  • Monitoring Authorities
  • The State of California
  • Courts
  • Parties that you authorize
  • Our affiliate companies
  • Payment processors
  • Law firms and attorneys
  • Criminal background/history providers
  • Debt collectors
  • Other service providers to assist us with our business operations, including shipping companies, auditors, and marketing and communications service providers
  • Advertising and analytics providers
  • Business partners
  • As part of a legal process
Characteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law. YES
  • Service Centers
  • Probation Officers
  • Monitoring Authorities
  • The State of California
  • Courts
  • Parties that you authorize
  • Our affiliate companies
  • Business partners
  • As part of a legal process
Commercial information, including records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies. YES
  • Service Centers
  • Probation Officers
  • Monitoring Authorities
  • The State of California
  • Courts
  • Parties that you authorize
  • Our affiliate companies
  • Other service providers to assist us with our business operations, including shipping companies, auditors, and marketing and communications service providers
  • Advertising and analytics providers
  • Business partners
Biometric information. NO
  • We do not collect this information. This type of information may be received incidental to other information you provide to us for business purposes, such as if you provide a copy of a drivers’ license. However, We do not use this information.
Internet or other electronic network activity information, including, but not limited to, browsing history, search history, and information regarding a consumer’s interaction with an Internet Web site, application, or advertisement. YES
  • Other service providers to assist us with our business operations, including shipping companies, auditors, and marketing and communications service providers
  • Advertising and analytics providers
  • Business partners
Geolocation data. YES
  • Probation officers
  • Monitoring authorities
  • The State of California
  • Courts
  • Parties that you authorize
  • As part of a legal process
  • Advertising and analytics providers
Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information. YES
  • Parties that you authorize
  • As part of a legal process
Professional or employment-related information. YES
  • Parties that you authorize
  • As part of a legal process
  • Our affiliate companies
Education information, defined as information that is not publicly available personally identifiable information as defined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. section 1232g, 34 C.F.R. Part 99). YES
  • Parties that you authorize
  • As part of a legal process
  • Our affiliate companies
Inferences drawn from any of the information identified in this subdivision to create a profile about a consumer reflecting the consumer’s preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes. YES
  • Our affiliated entities
  • Other service providers to assist us with our business operations, including shipping companies, auditors, and marketing and communications service providers
  • Advertising and analytics providers
Sensitive personal information. YES
  • Probation officers
  • Monitoring authorities
  • The State of California
  • Courts
  • Parties that you authorize
  • As part of a legal process

We may combine your personal information that you provide us through our website with other information We have received from you, whether online or offline, or from other sources such as from our service providers. For more information, please see our General Privacy Notice.

V. Data Retention Policy

Unless otherwise required by law, We will retain your personal information to the extent necessary to fulfill the purpose for which that personal information was collected. Please note that We may be required to retain your personal information for a reasonably longer period of time to the extent necessary to comply with regulatory or legal obligations, resolve disputes, enforce our agreements or for any other business purpose in accordance with applicable laws.

We generally retain your personal information based on the following criteria:

  1. The length of time we are required to store your personal information based on State and/or Federal law;
  2. The period by which we are required to purge your personal information in accordance with State and/or Federal law;
  3. Whether the purpose for which the personal information was collected has been fulfilled;
  4. Whether the personal information is no longer required for analytics or performance purposes;
  5. Whether We have received a valid deletion request from a California resident under applicable law.

VI. Consumer Rights

If you are a California resident, you may exercise certain privacy rights related to your personal information. You may exercise these rights free of charge except as otherwise permitted under applicable law. We may limit our response to your exercise of these privacy rights as permitted under applicable law.

You may submit your request in person, using our toll-free number or via online form. Please see Contact Information below.

1. The Right to Know, Access, Rectify, and/or Delete Personal Information

Where the CCPA applies to the services We provide, you may have the right to know, access, correct, opt-out of the sharing and/or delete personal information about you which We have collected.

The Right to Know/Access: You have the right to know about the information contained in this Notice and our General Privacy Notice, and to request access to a copy of the personal information that We have collected about you directly or indirectly, including personal information collected by a service provider or contractor on our behalf. Generally, you may be able to access your personal information through your online user account if you have created one.

You also have the right to know what personal information the business has collected about you, including:

  • The categories of personal information;
  • The categories of sources from which the personal information is collected;
  • The business or commercial purpose for collecting, selling or sharing personal information;
  • The categories of third parties to whom the business discloses personal information; and,
  • The specific pieces of personal information the business has collected about the consumer.

The Right to Correct: You have the right to correct inaccurate personal information that We maintain about you. You may access your account through our websites or mobile app and update your personal information. For personal information that cannot be changed via your account or as an alternative means of updating your personal information, you may contact us to request the change – please see Contact Information below. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to honor your requests within the limits defined by applicable law.

The Right to Delete: You have the right to request that We delete the personal information We have collected about you, subject to certain limited exceptions. For example, We may retain an archived copy of your records consistent with applicable law, to continue to provide our services to you, or for other legitimate business purposes.

2. The Right to Opt-out of the Sale or Sharing of Personal Information

You have a right to opt-out of the sale or sharing of your personal information by us, except in certain circumstances as permitted by law. For information on how to exercise that right, please see the “Sale or Sharing of Personal Information” section above.

3. The Right to Limit the Use of Sensitive Personal Information

We collect, process or disclose sensitive personal information solely to the extent required to comply with legal requirements and as necessary to perform the services or provide the goods that you reasonably expect from us. We do not collect sensitive person information to infer characteristics about you or for the purposes of cross-context behavioral advertising.

4. The Right to Non-Discrimination

We will not discriminate or retaliate against you for exercising your consumer rights under the CCPA, including by (a) denying you goods or services; (b) charging different prices or rates for goods or services, including through the use of discounts or other benefits or imposing penalties; or (c) providing you a different level or quality of goods or services (or suggesting that We will do so). We may, however, charge different prices or rates, or provide a different level or quality of goods or services, if there is a legitimate business purpose such as labor, varying product offerings and other commercial reasons.

VII. Your California Privacy Rights

Section 1798.83 of the California Civil Code permits California residents to request from a business, with whom the California resident has an established business relationship, certain information about the types of personal information the business has shared with third parties for those third parties’ direct marketing purposes and the names and addresses of the third parties with whom the business has shared such information during the immediately preceding calendar year. You may make one request each year by contacting us as provided in Section XI, above.

VIII. Processing Your Request

As required or permitted under applicable law, We may take steps to verify your request is not fraudulent before providing personal information to you, deleting personal information, or otherwise processing your request. Such steps may include being asked to verify your ability to control the email address or phone number you have provided to us.

To process your request, you must provide your name, address, your relationship to the business, email address, phone number, and state of residence. If We believe We need further information to verify your identity or as necessary to complete your request (in accordance with applicable laws), We may ask you to provide additional information for these purposes. We will review each request carefully and respond accordingly within the timeframe established by the CCPA/CPRA.

IX. Agent Authorization

You may designate an authorized agent to request any of the above rights on your behalf. You may make such a designation by providing the agent with written permission, signed by you, to act on your behalf. Your agent may contact us as set forth in this Notice. Even if you choose to use an agent, as permitted by law, We may require you to confirm you have authorized the agent to act on your behalf or require you to verify your own identity.

X. Contact Information

If you have questions or comments about this Notice, our privacy policies, the ways in which We collect and use your information, your choices and rights regarding such use, or wish to exercise your rights under California law, please contact us at:

Toll-Free Phone: 833-989-1425

Mail: Consumer Safety Technology, LLC
Attn: Legal Dept, Privacy
11035 Aurora Ave
Des Moines, IA 50322

Alternatively, you can submit a CCPA request using the form below.

XI. How to Submit a Request

To submit a request under the CCPA, please call our toll-free number: 833-989-1425 or submit a request using our form.

Submit a CCPA/CPRA Request

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